
Feminist As Hell! -Let’s chase fundamentalists to the devil!

Same shit every year! Again, radical anti-abortionists are planning a demonstration through downtown Munich. On March 20, 2021, a “March for Life” will take place for the first time, organized by the newly founded association “Stimme der Stillen”. With their inhuman ideology they want to protest against abortions and thus against the right to decide about one’s own body. They call this anti-feminist gathering “March for Life”. As always, it is important to stand in the way of these misanthropists and take a stand – for reproductive self-determination, for feminism, and for an emancipatory society!

We observe with great concern that the self-proclaimed “pro-life activists” feel that they are on the upswing, more and more new “pro-life” associations are being founded, especially in Bavaria, to mobilize against reproductive and sexual rights. The CSU is particularly sympathetic to what they call „protection of life“ and thus contributes to the fact that these associations are growing in number and influence.

The consequences? People with unwanted pregnancies, doctors and counselors are under pressure and often confronted with radical anti-abortionists. This means an additional burden at a time that is not easy from the get go. Fundamentalists in front of clinics and practices are jointly responsible that fewer and fewer doctors are offering abortions. In Bavaria it looks particularly bleak. Many have to travel far to get access to an abortion, the situation is dramatic and will continue to deteriorate. Church, state and the self-proclaimed „pro-life movement“ go hand in hand. We’re not willing to accept that!

Because despite all this regressive shit, we’re not alone! In addition to the “Feminist As Hell” alliance – a group of pro-choice activists from Berlin, Bern, Dresden, Leipzig, Passau, Salzburg, Vienna and Munich – we have a global feminist movement behind us which has been celebrating huge successes in recent months. In Argentina, for example, an abortion can now be carried out up to the 14th week of pregnancy, in Chile and Thailand the legal conditions have at least improved and in South Korea abortions have been legal since the beginning of this year. In New Zealand, abortions have been removed from the penal code and are now possible up to the 20th week of pregnancy without medical indication (1). These successes are due to feminists who tirelessly fight for a liberated society.

Let us try together to build on these successes and, in the next step, to prevent another large-scale mobilization of fundamentalist anti-abortionists from establishing here in Munich.

  • We still need a rethink society! It mustn’t matter
  • whether people are born with or without disabilities. We are against normative selection through prenatal diagnostics.
  • what sexuality, gender identity or gender expression you live. The so-called „conversion therapy“ is nothing but torture.
  • whether people are intersex or trans-masculine. If they are pregnant, counseling centers must be open to them.

And we demand

  • the immediate deletion of paragraphs 218 and 219a StGB. The criminalization of pregnant people and doctors must finally stop.
  • more clinics and practices where an abortion can be made.
  • the full reimbursement of abortion costs by health insurance companies.
  • that abortions become a mandatory part of medical training – that doctors can no longer refuse abortions without giving reasons.
  • free access to contraceptives.

… and let’s smash patriarchy altogether ok?!

Take to the streets with us on March 20, 2021: let’s chase the fundamentalists together and hot them that we stand united against their antifeminist propaganda. Fight with us for an emancipatory and liberated society.

We meet at 12pm at Münchner Freiheit an march together to Odeonsplatz.